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Feb 22, 2019


Zelda's 33rd birthday

Lost Boy's remake

Kevin Bacon

Netflix doing eh?

Shazaam's director too good for this world

Pixar's director retires

Reggie Fils-Aime also retires

Video game depression

Samsung Flip for two-thousand dollars

My Youtube is LongShot Heroes

Our celeb crushes

Comic books...

Feb 15, 2019

Today, a very exhausted Justin and Quincey talk about: 
Strong tea, weak coffee.
Daniel Radcliffe as Wolverine
A new controller to rule them all
New Zelda- old game.
Bad weather
Justin's mind no work good.
McFarlane toys
Hulu gains some more shows?
Fraiser gains ground in Netflix.
Matt Groening
Brittany Murphy

Feb 8, 2019

Email to get in contact with us:

Today, we finalize our staple and ensure positive vibes for the future! Naaah, I'm kidding.
Today talks about: 
Apex Legends
Sea Salt Caramel black tea is bland.
James Bond's coffee
Tiki mugs.
Jump Heroes.
The DC movie list.
James Gunn.
Spider-Man: Enter the...

Feb 1, 2019

Alot of ramblings abouuut:
Metro devs going secluded to Epic Games.
Payday 2 and their console issues.
Multiplayer games.
Mods for Fallout 4 and Doom.
Video Game Soundtracks.
Pac-Man Fever.
Going in expecting nothing, receiving less?
Carmen Sandeigo.
The Grudge reboot.
Old scary stuffs.
Location of...